Staying emotionally well
The basics of self-care
Our mental health is heavily impacted by our physical health, and the habits that we develop towards taking care of it. Here are some dos and don’ts for basic self-care:
Eating right can help maintain the required level of chemicals in our brain, by providing the nutrients needed to produce them.

Physical Activity
Physical activity causes the brain to release endorphins, which help us relieve stress and pain. You can maintain your levels of physical activity by:
- Playing a sport
- Having an exercise routine at home
- Practicing yoga
- Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
- Joining a dance class
- Walking instead of using transportation
- Going to the gym
- Walking while you talk on the phone

TIP: Choosing to do your physical activity in the sun, will also give you your daily dose of vitamin D.

While we are asleep, our bodies rest and repair muscles but our brain works on maintaining cognitive functions—like memory, learning, problem-solving and focus. It is no surprise that not getting a full night’s sleep affects our emotions, while we are awake.
A healthy sleep schedule includes
Maintain a healthy sleep schedule by avoiding:
Use of electronic devices that have a backlight and activities that stimulate your brain 1 hour before bedtime.
A heavy meal, alcohol, nicotine, sugar and caffeine 2 hours before bedtime.
Increase the amount of physical activity during the day
Use a sleep meditation track to relax while sleeping

Having a daily routine can offer structure to our lives, which can reduce stress. The routine need not be in the form of a rigid timetable, but can include the following:
- Eating meals, exercising, and sleeping at the same time everyday
- Putting time aside to take care of your personal hygiene
- Balancing work and household chores
- Setting time aside for breaks and downtime
It can take time to develop a routine that suits your lifestyle—experiment with how you want to use your time and come up with a plan that works for you.

Engaging in a hobby can significantly improve mental health. Hobbies are activities that make us feel good. It need not be something we excel at. A hobby isn’t something that we can fail at because its sole purpose is to give us joy.
The hobby could be anything—art, baking, gardening, fitness, music, craft, carpentry, collecting—the possibilities are endless. The benefits of having a hobby are:
- Added structure to routine
- An increase in self-confidence
- A sense of purpose by way of goal setting
- A sense of accomplishment when a goal is met
- An outlet for community, if the hobby requires social interaction
If you don’t have a hobby, experiment with what is available around you. Find a hobby that makes you feel good and is something you look forward to doing every day.

We often physically, mentally and emotionally engage a lot in our work and daily situations. Therefore, it is essential for us to take breaks to re-energize ourselves. In addition to self-care, such breaks help us to create a balance and promote well-being.
Relaxation can look different to different people. Meditation is often seen as an effective way to relax. Additionally, activities that engage our focus, are repetitive, calming and/or enjoyable, also help with relaxation. Some such activities:
- Colouring
- Doodling
- Listening to music
- Dancing
- Going for a ride/drive
- Exercising
Any activity that is repetitive and requires your keen attention and focus can help relax your mind, by allowing thoughts and emotions to flow by without grasping our attention.