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8686 139 139
Free and confidential mental health support 8686 139 139

Mental Well-being

Mental health is dynamic, and changes according to how our surroundings change. We tend to be at different points on the mental health spectrum, depending on our circumstances. Mental wellbeing is the state we find ourselves in, at the far left of this spectrum. The signs of being mentally well are when we:

Have healthy thoughts and emotions

We have healthy thought patterns and emotions that enable us to respond to situations, in a balanced and appropriate manner.

Managing emotions:
For instance, we may get angry with a friend, but are able to communicate our anger and returning to neutral state gradually within a reasonable period of time.

Healthy thought patterns:
In areas of friendship or relationships, are able to comprehend and understand the circumstance around us without jumping to conclusions about it.

Can function on a daily basis

We are motivated to start our days without any trouble, go about our routine, complete our chores, and take care of our personal hygiene and physical health.

Work actively and productively

We feel the willingness to take more initiatives in our colleges, schools or workplace and we are also proactive in meeting our deadlines.

Have social interactions and relationships

We engage in healthy relationships with family, friends, partners and peers with open communication, trust and respect. We are also able to respond to figures of authority appropriately.

Cope with the stresses of life

Stress is a part of life—challenging times are always around the corner. When we are mentally well, we are able to cope with the stress, without it having a significant impact on our daily life.

Contribute to society

We are able to contribute to society—people around us, the environment and the socio-political workings, through our actions and our voices.

The state of our mental health has a big impact on our daily lives—it’s important to treat it as you would treat your physical health.